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  • Capacity: Room stores over 976 bottles
  • Type of Racking: Bespoke Solid Oak Wine Racks
  • Wine Rack Design: Oak Wine Racking (300mm deep) - A mixture of traditional single bottle holes, case racks, cubes and display shelves.
  • Location: Wirral, Cheshire
  • Installation time: 10 Hours
  • Project (Wine Racking) Price Range: £15,000
  • Other Info: Installed in a purpose-built wine room, private property.

This gorgeous wine room is now home to over 976 bottles! Kitted out entirely in solid Oak, this storage area has a mixture of single bottle holes, case racks, cubes and display shelves to really show off your favourite bottles. The combination of the different types of racks really gives this purpose-built wine room a wow factor; it's hard to know where to look first! The entire room is sat on a built plinth, which raises the racks 94mm from the floor; this stops the bottom bottles from being knocked or kicked and really finishes the racking off well. The install of this fantastic wine room took roughly 10 hours to fit; as you can imagine, the customer was very pleased with the final result, and they now have a wine cellar in their home to show off.

Like what you see? Get in touch!

Contact Wineware today for more information about creating your own home wine cellar or wine room; we can provide you with a FREE quote and 3D design!

For more information, please call us on 01903 786148 or alternatively, please email us: info@wineware.co.uk.

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