Spirit and Wine Bar Thimble Measures

(8 products)

When serving customers at a bar or restaurant, pouring the correct amount of spirit or wine into a glass is very important; you don’t want to pour too much as it might be too strong & you don’t want to pour too little. Wineware’s selection of thimble spirit measures, wine measures and cocktail jiggers are perfect for the bar; they are produced in stainless steel & make serving the right amount of liquid as easy as possible! They’re easy to use, clean & store, with each measure being EC/Government stamped, which complies with the regulations.

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Further Information

  • Chrome Plated Steel Wine Glass Hanging Rack Dual Fix - Information

  • What you need to set up a Wine Bar / Restaurant Guide

  • How to Store Wine in a Restaurant or Bar

Wineware offers bar products and accessories for both professional and home bars for the casual drinks enthusiast. We also cover essentials such as the different types of bar glasses, corkscrews, cleaning products, cocktail equipment, and barware storage solutions. We even have popular giant cork stools, the perfect furniture for furnishing a bar.