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Private underground wine room in Hertfordshire using oak racks, cubes and case racks

  • Capacity: The room stores over 1000 bottles
  • Type of Racking: Bespoke Solid Oak Wine Racks
  • Wine Rack Design: Cellar cubes, individual bottle storage, case racks, worktops, plinths and an arch feature (Solid Oak)
  • Location: Hertfordshire, UK
  • Installation time: 6 Hours
  • Project (Wine Racking) Price Approx: £12,500 / £15,000
  • Other Info: This underground wine room is now home to over 1000 bottles; the space has now been transformed into a fantastic private cellar.

This underground room in a private home in Hertfordshire has now been transformed into a beautiful wine room perfect for storing various wines, champagne and much more! The room was already tiled and had an air conditioning unit in place; we were required to install the wine racking to store the customer's collection. Thanks to various storage systems (cubes, individual bottle holes, case racks and tops), the room can store over 1000 bottles (83+ cases) thanks to the bespoke oak racking from Wineware. In addition, the homeowner wanted a feature on the end wall to catch your eye when entering the room; the bespoke arch really does give the room the 'wow factor'!

The plans were sent back and forth with the customer on a few occasions to ensure what they desired was understood and designed to their satisfaction. So, for example, we had to build around and under an existing cupboard area, which stored some essentials for the property, and we were able to match the colour of the existing cupboard to the racking, so it didn't look out of place

All of the racking provided to this private home in Hertfordshire is made from solid oak; most units were constructed offsite before delivery to the property to minimise the installation time on site.

Like what you see? Get in touch!

Contact Wineware today for more information about creating your own home wine cellar or wine room; we can provide you with a FREE quote and 3D design!

For more information, please call us on 01903 786148 or alternatively, please email us: info@wineware.co.uk.

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