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  • Capacity: Area stores up to 350 bottles
  • Type of Racking: Bespoke Solid Pine Wine Racks
  • Wine Rack Design: Cellar cubes, individual bottle storage, individual display bottle storage, worktops and plinths (Solid Pine - Light Oak Stain)
  • Location: Durham, Tyne and Wear, UK
  • Installation time: 5 Hours
  • Project (Wine Racking) Price Approx: £4,500
  • Other Info: This understairs space has now been transformed into a beautiful wine storage area

This understairs space in a private home in Durham has now been transformed into a beautiful wine room perfect for storing various wines, champagne bottles and much more! Space has been finished with a glass front and door and can hold up to 350 bottles (29+ cases) thanks to the bespoke racking from Wineware. When entering the recently renovated property, the homeowner wanted a 'wow factor'; our bespoke wine storage room ticks all the boxes required!

The plans that were sent over to us originally were pretty straightforward (drawings and images). Because of this, we provided just one 3D design proof, which the customer was delighted with. All the racking provided at this private home in Durham is made from solid pine with a light oak stain; all units were constructed offsite before delivery to the property to minimise the installation time on site.

Client review...

"5 OUT OF 5 - A wonderful experience received from concept to completion and would have no hesitation in leaving the highest recommendation for Wineware, Chris and his team. He understood our needs excellently and carried the project off, exceeding our fantastic product and service expectations. Installation was seamless; they even left the fitters to their own devices as they were very comfortable with their approach and manner. Craftsmen rather than tradespeople, I would say! Thanks, Wineware, it's been a pleasure."

Like what you see? Get in touch!

Contact Wineware today for more information about creating your own home wine cellar or wine room; we can provide you with a FREE quote and 3D design!

For more information, please call us on 01903 786148 or alternatively, please email us: info@wineware.co.uk.

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