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  • Capacity: This wine cellar stores over 600 bottles
  • Type of Racking: Bespoke Solid Oak Wine Racks
  • Wine Rack Design: Cellar cubes, individual bottle storage, case racks, worktops, plinths and cupboards (Solid Oak)
  • Location: London, UK
  • Installation time: 6 Hours
  • Project (Wine Racking) Price Range: £10,000 / £15,000
  • Other Info: This glass-front air-conditioned residential wine cellar is the main feature of the home's downstairs.

This private residential lower ground room in a private home in London has been totally transformed into a delightful wine room that is temperature-controlled and ideal for storing various wine, champagne and more. The room has a stunning glass wall along one side that is the full length of the main stairs within the property, making it a great feature. The client requested us to install the bespoke wine racking so the customer could store their much-loved wine collection.

Due to the variation of different bottle storage systems such as cellar cubes, individual bottle holes, case racks, cupboards and work surfaces, etc., the room can store over 600 bottles (25+ cases). As you enter and descend the stairs, the visual impact is incredible as you're met with this wine spectacle, a variety of different coloured bottle tops and the striking oak.

All of the racking provided to this private home in London is made from solid oak. The majority of the units were constructed offsite before delivery to the property to minimise the installation time on site.

Like what you see? Get in touch!

Contact Wineware today for more information about creating your own home wine cellar or wine room; we can provide you with a FREE quote and 3D design!

For more information, please call us on 01903 786148 or alternatively, please email us: info@wineware.co.uk.

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